COEBURN, VIRGINIA — A Virginia mother and wife feels she’s lucky to be alive today. But her story is a reminder that telling truth about vaxx zealots’ holy sacrament activates their collective primal petulance, particularly as they hide behind social media profiles.
Mrs. Lindsey Reeves received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on Saturday, August 7, at 5 p.m., according to her Facebook page. She and her husband went out for a regular weekend night thereafter. They got home after midnight. Mrs. Reeves laid down, but knew something was very wrong.
She immediately felt hot flashes and her throat got extremely sore in a matter of minutes. Mrs. Reeves lost her ability to swallow and suffered tingling sensations in all of her limbs. They called 911, but Mrs. Reeves condition was rapidly deteriorating as she could barely breathe. Her husband put her in a car and drove 100 mph to the Norton Community Hospital emergency room.
Doctors immediately diagnosed her with anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction. These reactions usually happen within minutes after exposure to the allergen.
But they can also happen anywhere from four hours, six hours or even 24 hours after exposure. Anaphylaxis is fatal if the victim is not given immediately medical attention. doctors administered epinephrine, methylprednisolone and Benadryl.
Mrs. Reeves survived, but wondered what would have happened had she fallen asleep that night before the reaction occurred. Nurses told her she should get an exemption for the second injection because of the anaphylactic reaction. But even the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) advises against the second injection if you suffer anaphylaxis from the first one.
Mrs. Reeves described the mRNA injections as “Russian Roulette.” She will not get the second shot. She also said that society must stop pushing the “get your vaccine so we can get back to normal” narrative.