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Pregnant australian woman loses her child 12 days after Pfizer vaccine

A cura di Pandroid
Il 12 Gennaio 2022

BRISBANE, QUEENSLANDA 33-year-old woman chronicled her entire pregnancy on Instagram, eagerly anticipating the birth of her first child in October. Now she is the subject of the most heartbreaking story we’ve written in quite a while. And it’s all because she trusted the white coat gods.

Mrs. Stephanie Whitmore announced that she was pregnant with a baby girl on May 1. She captioned a photo with her husband, Mr. Eoin Whitmore, with “You, me and her #Babygirl.”

She continued posting updates, proudly displaying her tummy, and looking forward to motherhood.

Mrs. Whitmore reached the eight-month mark on September 7.

That week also marked the beginning of the end.

Mrs. Whitmore does not mention or reference a job on Instagram in 2021. Thus it does not appear she faced any sort of mandates. But like everyone else in the Western world, she’s bombarded with COVID fearmongering and propaganda 24/7.

I was pro-vaccine. I got medical advice…[on] what was the safest, most responsible action to take in order to keep my family and baby safe,” she wrote.

Mrs. Whitmore received her first Pfizer mRNA injection on September 13, at 32 weeks pregnant, according to her Instagram page. She reported no adverse effects, and “continued with life as usual.” Mrs. Whitmore received the second injection on October 4. She had a prenatal appointment on October 6. Like all the prior appointments, doctors found nothing wrong with her baby.

She posted a 36 weeks pregnant update on October 7.

They named the baby Isabella. A full-term pregnancy is 37 to 40 weeks, so Isabella could have been born at any time thereafter. Then tragedy struck.

Mrs. Whitmore posted another photo of her belly on October 9, with the caption “I am counting down the days to meet you.”

But she noticed that little Isabella “wasn’t moving the way she usually would” that day. Mrs. Whitmore went for an ultrasound, and received the worst news possible for an expecting mother. Isabella was suffering from intraventricular hemorrhage – bleeding inside the brain’s ventricles. Mrs. Whitmore also mentioned a blood clot. There is currently no known therapy to stop the in utero bleeding, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Mrs. Whitmore delivered her stillborn daughter on October 16.

Doctors would not provide Mrs. Whitmore an explanation as to how and why this happened. “Because doctors were unable to identify the cause, I believe it was the vaccine,” she wrote in an Instagram thread.

Mrs. Whitmore did not post again on Instagram until November 16, one month after the stillbirth. Like most families who experience this, Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore are having an extremely difficult time coping with the loss.

The next day, she provided more details about the stillbirth, including that she was in labor for nearly 27 hours. She also delivered Isabella naturally. Mrs. Whitmore gave a lot of credit to Eoin and the strength of their marriage, for being able to persevere through it all.

Making matter worse, Mrs. Whitmore lost her father on January 6. She said her baby is gone because of bad advice from “professional medical doctors.” Mrs. Whitmore also said pregnant women should think twice before rolling up their sleeves.

I wish I never had it, maybe [my] baby would be alive today,” she said.

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