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74-year-old Australian man dies in hospital after doctors refuse to treat him for AstraZeneca blood clots

A cura di Pandroid
Il 25 Maggio 2021

ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA — A 74-year-old man is dead after Australia doctors literally watched him suffer and die without intervening.

Mr. William Clive Haddon received the experimental AstraZeneca viral vector shot on or around May 1, according to ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). His daughter, Michelle Haddon, aka Lexi Logan on Facebook, tells the story from there – a story that sounds like a real-life dystopian novel.

Mr. Haddon experienced severe abdominal pain and had blood clots in his urine on May 13. An ambulance took him to Modbury Hospital. But doctors dismissed his condition as a simple urinary tract infection, gave him antibiotics and sent him home. Mr. Haddon continued bleeding and suffering for the next 24 hours. He went back to Modbury Saturday morning, May 15. This time they removed blood clots from his urinary tract, meaning it was blocked completely and he was enduring excruciating pain. Doctors refused to give him pain medication.

He was transferred (“handballed [off]” as Michelle described it) to Lyell McEwin Hospital later that evening. A nurse gave him what amounts to Tylenol when he was suffering excruciating pain and obviously needed something stronger. No tests were performed to determine the cause of the bleeding. When Mr. Haddon asked when tests would be done, the nurse, according to Michelle, said “don’t cause any trouble” and that he’d be tested “maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday, who knows, it’s the weekend.”

Michelle told the nurse that her father received the AstraZeneca shot a few weeks prior. The nurse shrugged it off and said she had the shot too and nothing was wrong with her.

The hospital ordered Michelle and Mr. Haddon’s wife to leave because visiting hours were over. Mr. Haddon suffered a stroke at Lyell McEwin thereafter, but received no treatment until hours later. He continued bleeding profusely and enduring excruciating pain.

Mr. Haddon was transferred yet again to Royal Adelaide Hospital. Doctors discovered more blood clots in his brain and performed emergency surgery that uncovered brain damage from the stroke. But the surgery failed to clear the blood clots and improve his condition. Michelle again told the nurses that her father received the AstraZeneca shot. They, again, shrugged it off as nothing.

Mr. Haddon was moved to the intensive care unit on Monday, May 17. Michelle spoke to the ICU doctor, and he had no idea what was going on with her father. Modbury Hospital sent no information to Royal Adelaide and the entire communication chain with all of the hospitals was a complete failure, deliberately or otherwise. Mr. Haddon was placed on a ventilator that afternoon. He passed away last Thursday or Friday.


Watch a report from 9News in New South Wales. Pay attention to when Michelle tells the nurse her dad had the AstraZeneca shot; and the nurse shrugs it off.

South Australia health officials, of course, say it is “highly unlikely” the AstraZeneca shot caused Mr. Haddon’s blood clots, stroke and subsequent death.

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