Elenco Eventi Avversi Da Vaccino Anti Covid

Raccolta di sospetti eventi avversi da “vaccini anti Covid-19”, in ordine cronologico, proveniente dalla stampa italiana e internazionale. Inseriti così come pubblicati in origine, anche in lingua originale non tradotta. Elenco in continuo aggiornamento.


Gurugram: Six days after vaccination, health worker dies of cardiac arrest

GURUGRAM: Lajwanti, a 56-year-old nurse who worked as a health visitor for 20 years, passed away after a sudden…

California resident dies several hours after receiving COVID-19 vaccine

An individual in California who tested positive for COVID-19 in late December and was vaccinated Thursday died…

Farmacista si vaccina e muore. Ausl: “Vaccino non c’entra”.

Una farmacista di 49 anni, Miriam Gabriela Godoy, di Porto Corsini, località balneare sulla riviera romagnola, è…

Neun kranke Senioren nach Corona-Impfung in Frankreich gestorben

Nach einer Impfung mit dem Corona-Vakzin von Pfizer und Biontech sind in Frankreich neun Senioren gestorben.…

Baseball Legend Hank Aaron Dead After Receiving the Experimental Moderna mRNA…

Baseball legend and home run king “Hammerin Hank” Aaron died today, 18 days after receiving the Moderna…

Ricoverata dopo vaccino Covid muore dopo due giorni. Asl2: “Esclusa correlazione”

Albenga. Ieri, 21 gennaio, è deceduta una donna di 85 anni ricoverata presso il reparto di Medicina dell’ospedale…

Palestinian inmate dies after receiving Israel vaccine

RAMALLAH Palestinian inmate Maher Saasaa has died after recently receiving the coronavirus vaccine, according to…

South Dakota reports 2 deaths recorded after COVID-19 vaccinations

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) - Two South Dakotans died 24 hours after getting vaccinated for COVID-19, according to…

Impfung kam zu spät: Acht Tote in Miesbacher Pflegeheim

Für etliche Bewohner eines Pflegeheims im Landkreis Miesbach kam die Impfung gegen das Coronavirus wohl zu spät.…

Bayern: Sieben Tote nach Corona-Impfung in Altersheim

Erschütternde Meldung aus Bayern: Wie das Landratsamt Miesbach gestern mitteilte, kam es jetzt kurz nach einer…

Infermiera muore nel sonno a Frosinone: “Cause naturali”, ma era stata vaccinata

Tutti i media scrivono che è improvvisamente morta nel sonno, Elisabeth Durazzo, la giovane infermiera in servizio…

California, autorità sanitarie chiedono stop al Vaccino Moderna: “Gravi reazioni…

Il Dipartimento della Salute ha riferito in una nota che tutti coloro ai quali è stato somministrato il vaccino…

Preston councillor rushed to hospital with severe Covid vaccine side-effects

A Preston councillor had to be rushed to hospital after suffering extreme side-effects from his Covid-19 vaccine.…

Woman who suffered convulsions after taking Pfizer Covid jab being screened for…

Brant Griner issued an appeal on Facebook last week, after his mother began experiencing serious medical issues…

Kolkata: Nurse Faints After Being Administered Covid-19 Vaccine, Hospitalised

According to officials, a 35-year-old nurse was rushed to the critical care unit (CCU) of a hospital in Kolkata…

Norway Raises Concern Over Vaccine Jabs for the Elderly

Norway expressed increasing concern about the safety of the Pfizer Inc. vaccine on elderly people with serious…

13 Israelis suffer facial paralysis after taking Pfizer Covid jab

At least 13 Israelis have experienced facial paralysis after being administered the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, a…

10 Dead In Germany Within 4 Days Of Covid-19 Vaccine Inoculation

After the deaths of 10 people who passed away soon after having been inoculated against the novel coronavirus…

23 Dead In Norway After Taking COVID Vaccine

Reports emerging from Norway indicate that at least twenty three people have died after taking the Pfizer/BioNTech…

Unexpected String of Allergic Reactions Causes Delays at ‘Vaccination Super…

Allergic reactions in some Moderna vaccine recipients caused delays Wednesday at San Diego County's new…

Vaccin contre la Covid : six cas d’allergie sévère recensés en France selon…

L'ANSM a annoncé jeudi 14 janvier avoir recensé six cas d'allergie sévère au vaccin contre la Covid de chez Pfizer…

75-year-old Israeli woman found lifeless hours after second dose of Covid-19…

A 75-year-old woman who on Wednesday morning received the second dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine was found…

Heimbewohnerin verstirbt kurz nach Corona-Impfung in Weyhe

In der Gemeinde Weyhe im Landkreis Diepholz ist eine 90-Jährige kurz nach einer Corona-Impfung gestorben. Es…

Covid, paralisi facciale dopo la somministrazione del vaccino

Con le ultime dosi anti covid somministrate al Mazzini si è registrato un caso di sindrome di Bell, dopo quello…

‘Perfectly Healthy’ Florida Doctor Dies Weeks After Getting Pfizer COVID Vaccine

Miami medical examiner is investigating the death of 56-year-old Dr. Gregory Michael who reportedly died from a…

Medico greco ricoverato in terapia intensiva dopo la somministrazione del vaccino…

Alexandre Sutherland – Sputnik France – 4 gennaio 2021 Il vicedirettore di un ospedale greco è stato…

Genova, muore a 89 anni per emorragia cerebrale dopo il vaccino anti Covid

Genova. Una paziente di 89 anni, residente in una rsa genovese sul territorio di Asl3, è morta all’alba di oggi a…

Vaccino, ausiliaria in shock anafilattico: Asp informa Aifa

CALTAGIRONE (CT) – Momenti di tensione e paura, nel Calatino, dopo il vaccino anticovid di una ausiliaria del…

L’Aquila: ASL, “Disfunzione muscolo facciale per infermiere dopo…

L’AQUILA – Un infermiere dell’ospedale San Salvatore dell’Aquila, a poche ore dalla somministrazione del vaccino…

32-Year-Old Mexican Doctor Suffers Seizures and is Paralyzed After Receiving the…

The Mexican Press is reporting that a 32-year-old female doctor in Coahuila has suffered seizures and become…