Caro Diario,
Stiamo vivendo la crisi piú pericolosa degli ultimi 50 anni dice Pino Cabras. Quello che per anni abbiamo presentato sulle tue pagine da previsione é divenuto cronaca. Gli “esperti” si affannano a spiegare le motivazioni dietro questa folle corsa verso la guerra. Eppure vi sono fattori di cui nessuno sta parlando. In questo articolo presentiamo alcune delle migliori spiegazioni convenzionali con un aggiunta di… condimento ontopolitico.
A che serve una Guerra con la Russia?
Zerohedge pubblica un analisi estesa delle motivazioni dell’occidente per quello che appare, a prima vista, come una pure follia.
Fra di queste:
- entropia economica
- cicli naturali della guerra
- Conflitto per distrarre e controllare l’opinione pubblica
- Idea che la guerra faccia ripartire l’economia
- Paura della crescita cinese
- Necessitá di accaparrarsi le ultime risorse
- Per stoppare il tentativo dei BRICS di creare un sistema internazionale alternativo al dollaro
- Modalitá per azzerare gli astronomici debiti pubblici
let us assume that the Hollywood image of the US military is true: invincible, best trained, best armed, with a fantastic morale, led by the very best of the best officers, it would easily defeat the primitive Russian military, armed with antiquated weapons and commanded by fat drunken generals. Okay, and then what? If is the official Russian nuclear deterrence doctrine that in this case Russia would use nuclear weapons. Since even in Hollywood movies nobody makes the claim that the US anti-missile systems could stop Iskanders, cruise missiles or even gravity bombs, we would have to accept that the invincible US force would be turned into radioactive particulates and, that, in turn, would leave the US President two terrible choices: a) take the loss and stop b) retaliate and the second option would have to include the location from where the strike came from: Russia proper. That, of course, would place the following choices for the Russian President: a) take the loss or b) strike at the continental United States. At this points nuclear mushrooms would start appearing all over the map.
None of the 4 Tochka missiles reached their targets. I repeat, none of the 4 Tochka missiles reached their targets and none impacted with the ground anywhere that can be found in anything close to one piece. As you know this missile can carry a tactical nuke, chem/bio, cluster munition or HE in the weight of just under 500 kilos.
The move “marks a major escalation” in the Ukrainian crisis
“Three US officials confirmed to me a short time ago that US intelligence over the last 48 hours has monitored the firing of several short-range ballistic missiles from territory controlled by Ukraine government forces into areas controlled by the pro-Russian separatists,” Barbara Starr, CNN’s Pentagon correspondent, said in a live report.