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Bilderberg Madrid 2024 – La lista completa di chi partecipa, da Pepe Escobar.

A cura di Redazione CDC
Il 2 Giugno 2024
Pepe Escobar con sfondo Bilderberg

La lista completa di chi ha partecipato alla conferenza Bilderberg avvenuta in questi giorni a Madrid. Il grande giornalista Pepe Escobar dal suo gruppo telegram ha fornito questa lista che riportiamo di seguito. Secondo il post di Escobar, queste non sono le persone che veramente fanno andare avanti lo “show”, sono soltanto i loro infimi messaggeri. Fate attenzione a quello che queste persone diranno e faranno d’ora in avanti. Sono la “créme” dei guerrafondai del NATOstan.



Abrams, Stacey (USA), CEO, Sage Works Production
Adeyemo, Adewale (USA), Deputy Secretary, Department of the Treasury
Adlercreutz, Andersj (FIN), Minister for European Affairs and Ownership Steering
Albares, José Manuel (ESP), Minister of Foreign Affairs
Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chair, Evercore Inc.
Alverà, Marco (ITA), Co-Founder,; CEO, TES
Amodei, Dario (USA), Co-Founder and CEO, Anthropic PBC
Anderlini, Jamil (DEU/USA), Editor-in-Chief, POLITICO Europe
Appathurai, James (INT), Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Innovation, Hybrid and Cyber, NATO
Applebaum, Anne(USA) , Staff Writer, The Atlantic
Auchincloss, Murray (GBR), CEO, BP plc
Aydin, Mustafa (TUR), Professor of International Relations, Kadir Has University
Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chair and CEO, Temaris & Associés SAS
Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chair International Advisors, Goldman Sachs International
Baudson, Valérie (FRA), CEO, Amundi SA
Bengio, Yoshua (CAN), Professor in Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal
Bini Smaghi, Lorenzo (ITA), Chair, Societé Générale SA
Botín, Ana P. (ESP), Group Executive Chair, Banco Santander SA
Bourla, Albert (USA), Chair and CEO, Pfizer Inc.
Braathen (NOR), Kjerstin, CEO, DNB ASA
Buschmann, Marco (DEU), Minister of Justice
Calviño, Nadia (INT), President, European Investment Bank
Carney, Mark J. (CAN), Chair, Brookfield Asset Management
Carvalho, Charlene de (NLD), Executive Director, Heineken Holding NV
Castries, Henri de (FRA), President, Institut Montaigne
Castro, Ildefonso (ESP), Secretary International Affairs, Partido Popular
Cavoli, Christopher (INT), Supreme Allied Commander Europe
Champagne, François-Philippe (CAN), Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry
Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, NSC
Chubays, Anatoly B. (RUS/ISR), Visiting Professor, London School of Economics
Corydon, Bjarne (DNK), CEO and Editor-in-Chief, Dagbladet Børsen
Coveney, Simon (IRL), Former Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment
Creuheras, José (ESP), Chair, Grupo Planeta and Atresmedia
Cuerpo, Carlos (ESP), Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business
Daurella Comadrán, Sol (ESP), Chair, Coca-Cola Europacific Partners plc
Della Vigna, Michele (ITA), Head, Natural Resources Research EMEA, Goldman Sachs
Domański, Andrzej, (POL) Minister of Finance
Donohoe, Paschal (INT), President, Eurogroup
Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chair and CEO, Axel Springer SE
Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Ek, Daniel (SWE), CEO, Spotify SA
Empoli, Giuliano da (ITA), Political Scientist and Writer, Sciences Po
Entrecanales, José M. (ESP), Chair and CEO, Acciona SA
Eriksen, Øyvind (NOR), President and CEO, Aker ASA
Ferguson, Niall (USA), Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Stanford University
Finer, Jonathan (USA), Principal Deputy National Security Advisor
Fontcuberta i Morral, Anna(CHE), Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, EPFL
Fraser, Jane (USA), CEO, Citigroup
Gabuev, Alexander, Director (INT), Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center
Gentiloni, Paolo (INT), European Commissioner for Economy
Gil, Isabel, Rector (PRT), Catholic University of Portugal
Gruber, Lilli (ITA), Editor-in-Chief and Anchor, La7 TV
Gruyter, Caroline de (NLD), European Affairs Correspondent, NRC
Gürsel, Kadri (TUR), Journalist, Medyascope
Halberstadt, Victor (NLD), Professor Em. of Economics, Leiden University
Harrington, Kevin (USA), Managing Director, Thiel Capital LLC
Hassabis, Demis (GBR), CEO, Google DeepMind
Hedegaard, Connie (DNK), Chair, KR Foundation
Hernández de Cos, Pablo (ESP), Governor, Banco de España
Hobson, Mellody (USA), Co-CEO and President, Ariel Investments LLC
Hoekstra, Wopke (INT), European Commissioner for Climate Action
Johansson, Ylva (INT), European Commissioner for Home Affairs
Kaag, Sigrid (INT), Senior Humanitarian and Reconstruction Coordinator for Gaza, UN
Kadri, Ilham (BEL), CEO, Syensqo
Kalemli-Özcan, Sebnem (TUR), Schreiber Family Professior of Economics Brown University
Kallas, Kaja (EST), Prime Minister
Karp, Alex (USA), CEO, Palantir Technologies Inc.
Kerameus, Niki (GRC), Minister for the Interior
Kieli, Kasia (POL), President and Managing Director, Warner Bros. Discovery EMEA
Koç, Ömer (TUR), Chair, Koç Holding AS
Kotkin, Stephen (USA), Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
Kravis, Henry R. (USA), Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chair, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Kravis, Marie-Josée (USA), Chair, The Museum of Modern Art
Kudelski, André (CHE), Chair and CEO, Kudelski Group SA
Kuleba, Dmytro (UKR), Minister of Foreign Affairs
Lander, Eric S. (USA), Founding Director, Broad Institute
Lee, Peter (USA), President, Microsoft Research
Leysen, Thomas (BEL), Chair, dsm-firmenich AG
Lighthizer, Robert (USA), Chair, Center for American Trade
Liikanen, Erkki (FIN), Chair, IFRS Foundation Trustees
Linde, Ann (SWE), Former Minister for Foreign Affairs
Luckey, Palmer (USA), Founder, Anduril Industries
Meeus, Tom-Jan (NLD), Journalist, NRC
Mensch, Arthur (FRA), Co-Founder and CEO, Mistral AI
Merz, Friedrich (DEU), Leader, CDU
Michel, Charles (INT), President, European Council
Micklethwait, John (USA), Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP
Minton Beddoes, Zanny (GBR), Editor-in-Chief, The Economist
Monti, Mario (ITA), Senator for life
Moreira, Duarte (PRT), Co-Founder and CEO, Zeno Partners
Netherlands, H.M. the King of the (NLD)
O’Leary, Michael (IRL), Group CEO, Ryanair Group
Pannier-Runacher,  Agnès (FRA), State Secretary at Ministry of Agriculture
Papahelas, Alexis (GRC), Executive Editor, Kathimerini Newspaper
Papalexopoulos, Dimitri (GRC), Chair, TITAN Cement Group
Petraeus, David H. (USA), Chair, KKR Global Institute
Philippe, Édouard (FRA), Mayor, Le Havre
Phillips, Richard H. (USA), Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Pind, Søren (DNK), Founder and CEO, Danish Cyber Defence
Pouyanné, Patrick (FRA), Chair and CEO, TotalEnergies SE
Rachman, Gideon (GBR), Chief Foreign Affairs Commentator, Financial Times
Ramírez, Pedro J. (ESP), Director, El Español
Rendi-Wagner, Pamela (AUT), Director, European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Ruiz, José Juan (ESP), Chair, Elcano Royal Institute
Rutte, Mark (NLD), Prime Minister
Sawan, Wael (GBR), CEO, Shell plc
Sawers, John (GBR), Executive Chair, Newbridge Advisory Ltd.
Schadlow, Nadia (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Schmidt, Eric E. (USA), Former CEO and Chair, Google
Schmidt, Wolfgang (DEU), Head of the Chancellery, Federal Minister for Special Tasks
Šefčovič, Maroš (INT), European Commissioner Green Deal, Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight
Sewing, Christian (DEU), CEO, Deutsche Bank AG
Sherman, Wendy R. (USA), Former Deputy Secretary of State
Siddall, Evan (CAN), CEO, Alberta Investment Management Corporation
Sikorski, Radoslaw (POL), Minister of Foreign Affairs
Şimşek, Mehmet (TUR), Minister of Finance
Stephens, Bret (USA), Opinion Columnist, New York Times
Stoltenberg, Jens (INT), Secretary General, NATO
Stubb, Alexander (FIN), President of the Republic
Suleyman, Mustafa (GBR), CEO, Microsoft AI
Thiel, Peter (USA), President, Thiel Capital LLC
Varadkar, Leo (IRL), Former Prime Minister
Verhoeven, Karel (BEL), Editor-in-Chief, De Standaard
Wallenberg, Marcus (SWE), Chair, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB
Ward, Jonathan (USA), Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute
Wolf, Martin H. (GBR), Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Wright, Thomas (USA), Senior Director for Strategic Planning, NSC
Yläjärvi, Erja (FIN), Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat
Zadrazil, Robert (AUT), Country Manager Austria, UniCredit Group
Zakaria, Fareed (USA), Host, Fareed Zakaria GPS
Zeiler, Gerhard (AUT), President, Warner Bros. Discovery Internation


di Pepe Escobar




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