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Teen dies of heart attack soon after getting COVID shot

'Kids are dying from the jab,' read a sign outside an arena where the young Canadian would not have been allowed inside to play unless he was vaccinated.
A cura di Pandroid
Il 15 Ottobre 2021

BEETON, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) – A 17-year-old boy in Canada died of a heart attack at home on September 27 reportedly two weeks after he received a COVID jab.

Sean Hartman is said to have suffered from “multiple” health problems “immediately” after the jab, including myocarditis, or heart inflammation. He received the COVID jab in order to be able to play hockey in an arena where the shot is required for entry.

A small demonstration was held close to the hockey arena that mandated the jab. One man who participated held up a sign facing the road that read, “A broken heart from not being allowed to play hockey will heal. Myocarditis from the jab will kill (or be a long-long condition).”

He was not allowed to play hockey in the arena because they’d asked him [to] take the jab. And they said to him ‘you’re not allowed in the arena’ (inaudible). He got the jab and now two weeks later he’d been sick, he died yesterday,” the man said in a video shared by The Covid World.

Another sign displayed at the protest read “Kids are dying from the jab.”

A GoFundMe page created by Paul Blair, his “best friend since the first grade” wrote that for all of Sean’s life “there was nothing that Sean was more passionate about than sports, especially hockey, as he played his entire life. He started his hockey career playing for the Beeton Stingers and went on to play for TNT in Alliston. Whether watch or play, Sean just loved the game.”

The Beaton Athletic Association shared on Facebook, “Sean started his hockey career here in Beeton when he was 5 years old. At 11 years old, he played for TNT Tornadoes for 3 years.

He returned to his hometown of Beeton in his major Bantam year and has been a member of our association ever since.”

A solid defenseman. Always supportive of his goalie and teammates. Coachable in every aspect of the game, on and off the ice. He will be fondly remembered by our whole Beeton Athletic Association, board members, coaches and teammates and friends.”

Public Health Ontario released a report covering jab data from December 2020 to August 7, 2021, and concluded the “highest reporting rate of myocarditis/pericarditis was observed in males age 18-24 years following second dose.”

Sweden and Denmark have recently paused the use of Moderna’s COVID vaccine for younger age groups, pointing to an increase of myocarditis and pericarditis among youths and young adults who had been vaccinated, Reuters reported.

Pfizer has also added a warning to its COVID-19 jab fact sheet concerning myocarditis and pericarditis.

Canadian professor of medicine Dr. Steven Pelech has maintained thatContrary to what a number of people have said, there is no such thing as ‘mild myocarditis.’”

He has noted that when the heart cells die from myocarditis “they are not replaced in your body and are instead replaced by scar tissue, which is from fibroblasts.

The remaining muscle cells have to get a little bigger in order to compensate. Every time you get an inflammatory response, you lose more of that contractility and have a greater chance of heart attack and other problems later in life,” Pelech explained.

He has pointed out that the “chances of dying from COVID is about .003% for people under the age of 24 in Canada,” and that for those under 19, the chances of injury from the “vaccine is about four to five times higher than getting infected with SARS-CoV-2 itself.”

U.S. researchers have found that boys age 12 to 15 “with no underlying medical conditions, are four to six times more likely to be diagnosed with vaccine-related myocarditis than ending up in hospital with Covid over a four-month period.”

Fonte articolo:



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