The International Business Times, Washington News Post, and others are reporting that a family member related to Earl Simmons, the rap star known as DMX, has claimed that DMX received a COVID-19 injection prior to having a fatal heart attack, that the corporate media is blaming on a drug overdose.
MTO News is apparently the one who broke the story and had the exclusive interview with the unnamed family member.
MTO News spoke with a member of the Simmons family who believes that it was NOT drugs that caused the heart attack.
In an EXCLUSIVE interview, MTO News spoke with DMX’ family member who told us that the rapper received the COVID vaccine about a week before he suffered from the heart attack.
DMX’s family member told MTO News, “[DMX] got the vaccine when they opened it up to people over 50. He got it so that he could go travel and perform, stuff like that.”
New York State opened up the COVID-19 vaccinations for people over the age of 50 in mid March.
And the family member suspects that DMX heart attack could have been a reaction to the vaccine. The family member explained, “Everyone [in the news] keeps saying that [DMX] had a drug overdose. How do they know. I’m in the family and no doctor told me anything about an overdose.”
The family member is FURIOUS about the speculation surrounding DMX drug use. She told MTO News, “Yes he had past issues with drugs. But nobody knows that he had an OD. It’s f**cked up that its being reported like that.”
She told MTO News that she – and the family – are considering taking legal action against news publications prematurely concluding that DMX suffered a drug overdose.
But what is clear – according to the family member – is that DMX did take the Covid vaccine.
The grieving kin explained, “He took that vaccine, and he had a heart attack. I’m not saying the vaccine did it, but he never had a heart attack before.” (Source)
The usual sources of corporate media watchdog “fact checkers” have rushed in to label the report as “false.” But they are marking it “false” simply because they cannot contact the family member and substantiate the story, so they are labeling it as “false” even though they have no proof to the contrary.
An attorney allegedly representing DMX contacted MTO News, and so MTO News issued an update recently:
EDITOR’S UPDATE: Since publishing this article, a lawyer who represented DMX told USA Today that DMX didn’t receive the Covid vaccine a week before his heart attack. The lawyer also told the publication, however, that he “wasn’t sure if DMX received the vaccine before that period.”
MTO News received this information about DMX receiving the Covid-19 vaccine from a source related to the family, and stands firmly on CDC’s report that there has yet to be a proven link between the COVID -19 vaccine and anyone’s death.
So while MTO News is still standing by their original story, they have now had to add the obligatory legal notice, apparently, that the CDC has not found any link between the experimental COVID injections and those who die after receiving them.
As we have previously reported at Health Impact News, as of last week over 3000 deaths following experimental COVID shots have been reported to the CDC during the first four months since the FDA gave emergency use authorization to these experimental COVID shots, one of which (the Johnson and Johnson one) has now been halted by the FDA due to reports of fatal blood clots.
These 3000+ recorded deaths now exceed the number of recorded deaths reported to the CDC following vaccines for the past 13+ years.
It is irresponsible and criminal for the CDC to definitively state that none of these 3000+ recorded deaths were linked in any way to the experimental injections.
This information of recorded deaths following COVID injections, taken directly from the CDC VAERS database, continues to be censored by the corporate media, Big Pharma, the U.S. Government, and Big Tech social media companies. They are all claiming that “no deaths have been associated with COVID-19 vaccines yet.”
That is why we continue to bring these stories to the attention of the public. The light of the truth needs to expose the evil deeds currently being done in darkness.
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