Nov 14, 2004
By Omar al-Faris, JUS
In a report in early this morning, Fallujah Mujahideen have rejected the US request for cease fire and have wiped the besieged American column on Al-Hadhrah street. After the American occupation forces made several military attempts to break the siege around their battalion that had been encircled by Mujahideen on Al-Hadhrah street for several days, they were unable to dislodge it. When those military attempts failed, they resorted to peaceful solution by requesting cease fire- using loud speakers to make sure that their plea is heard. Mujahideen subsequently rejected the American request and proceeded to wipe out the entire American column on Hadhrah street. Details of American casualties are currently being evaluated, verified, and will be forth coming.
Americans Loosen Their Grip On Fallujah Perimeters
In an attempt to show good faith towards the citizens of Fallujah, the American occupiers have reopened Al-Azraqiah pass to allow families to leave. Many vacating families were seen having with obvious signs of weakness, malnutrition, torn up clothes, injuries and dust from being under rubbles. Children showed unmistakable signs of weakness, lack of food, dehydration, and lack of medical care as a result of cutting off all food and medical supplies to the city by American occupiers. The occupiers were savage towards the citizens of Fallujah during the initial siege to the extent of positioning snipers at the river banks to fire at anyone coming neat the river for a drink.
Nov 13, 2004
JUS News Desk
In a move that surprised news media, American requests cease fire in Fallujah.
American occupiers employed loud speakers to request a cease fire in the city to begin negotiations. According to Islam Memo’s correspondent, heavy US losses are the main reason behind the American request. In the mean time, the puppet Allawi government, in an effort to save face, announced that they want to save innocent lives. Interesting indeed considering the hospital were the first facilities to be taken out and it have been the US and their Allawi collaborators have are the ones who have prevented aid from reaching the city.
Observers in Fallujah believe that the large American contingency currently surrounded and under siege by Mujahideen in the city also factors in to the request to halt military confrontations. Friday was a big turning point in Mujahideen favor. In Al-Jumjuria street alone, there are more than 40 destroyed and burnt tanks. Furthermore, the attack which destroyed the ice factory which housed tons of equipment, mechanized vehicles, and munitions, put a big damper on U.S. operations in Fallujah. With a great deal of fireworks planned for Eid, the Americans would be smart to quit while they still can.
Source: Jihad Unspun