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I piu' letti degli ultimi 30 giorni

Le stragi agli hotel egiziani
A cura di Truman
Il 26 Ottobre 2004

Inviato da Iela

35 dead, 160 injured
in three blasts near border with Israel

8 ottobre

CAIRO, Egypt – Three explosions shook popular
resorts Thursday night on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Egyptian
police said at least 35 people were killed and 160 others were
Most of the victims were reported to be Israelis
on vacation in the region for Simchat Torah at the end of the
Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Israeli anti-terrorism officials
called on all Israelis to leave Sinai immediately, Army Radio
reported, and the Foreign Ministry said Israel would help
evacuate as many as 15,000 Israelis who may want to leave.

The first and most serious blast took place at the Hilton
hotel in Egypt’s Taba resort, only yards from the Israeli
border, about 10 p.m. (3 p.m. ET).
“The whole front of the
hotel has collapsed. There are dozens of people on the floor,
lots of blood. It is very tense,” Yigal Vakni, a witness, told
Army Radio. “I am standing outside of the hotel. The whole
thing is burning, and they have nothing to put it out with.” Explosions rock Egyptian resort area
dead, 160 injured in three blasts near border with

CAIRO, Egypt – Three explosions shook
popular resorts Thursday night on Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
Egyptian police said at least 35 people were killed and 160
others were wounded.
Most of the victims were reported to
be Israelis on vacation in the region for Simchat Torah at the
end of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Israeli anti-terrorism
officials called on all Israelis to leave Sinai immediately,
Army Radio reported, and the Foreign Ministry said Israel
would help evacuate as many as 15,000 Israelis who may want to
The first and most serious blast took place at the
Hilton hotel in Egypt’s Taba resort, only yards from the
Israeli border, about 10 p.m. (3 p.m. ET).
“The whole
front of the hotel has collapsed. There are dozens of people
on the floor, lots of blood. It is very tense,” Yigal Vakni, a
witness, told Army Radio. “I am standing outside of the hotel.
The whole thing is burning, and they have nothing to put it
out with.”

Yerucham Mendola, a spokesman for rescue
workers, said, “We know of other people trapped under the
ruins of the hotel,” which was the scene of failed
Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in January 2001.
and Egyptian officials said the explosion was caused by a
truck bomb, and Egyptian television said police had made
initial arrests of suspects. No further details were
immediately available.
About midnight, two smaller blasts
struck the area of Ras al Shitan, a camping area near the town
of Nuweiba south of Taba, witnesses said.
Amsalem Sarrag,
whose uncle and cousin own camps in Ras al Shitan, told The
Associated Press that both told him that Israeli cars exploded
outside their camps. The two blasts were only five seconds
apart, he said.
Dozens killed, injured
Egyptian police
said 35 people had died and that 160 others had been injured.
Israeli police confirmed that at least 30 of them were killed
at the Hilton. Rescue efforts were still under way Friday
morning, and Israeli officials told NBC News that there could
be more casualties among people trapped in the rubble in Taba.
Other officials put the death toll at 14 or 15,
Egyptians reportedly did not at first allow
Israeli rescuers to enter the country but later relented after
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called Egyptian President
Hosni Mubarak. The two countries signed a peace treaty in
1979, but relations have been chilly as a result of Israeli
military actions in Palestinian areas.
Israeli officials,
citing Egyptian sources, told The Jerusalem Post that Egyptian
military activity had cut off the Sinai Peninsula from the
rest of the country. Israeli Army Radio reported that the Taba
crossing was closed except for rescue vehicles.
Israeli military called an emergency meeting of its general
staff in Tel Aviv and set up a “war room” to deal with the
attacks, the Post reported. Military sources told the
newspaper that the level of alert along the Egyptian border
had not been heightened, however.
Al-Qaida link suggested

Egyptian security officials initially played down the
possibility of terrorism, saying the explosion took place
among gas tanks in the hotel kitchen, but they abandoned that
theory after several hours. An Egyptian security official
later told NBC News that the Taba blast was caused by a
booby-trapped truck.

The news agency Agence
France-Presse reported that a previously unknown organization
calling itself Jamaa Al-Islamiya Al-Alamiya, or World Islamist
Group, called its office in Jerusalem to claim responsibility
for the Taba blast “in revenge for the Palestinian and Arab
martyrs dying in Palestine and Iraq.”
There were no
competing claims of responsibility from more established
But contributors on Islamic Web sites often used
by militant groups linked to or inspired by al-Qaida were
praising the explosions and linking them to a recent videotape
said to have been issued by al-Qaida’s Egyptian-born
second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahri.
That tape, which was
aired by Al-Jazeera television on Oct. 1, called for militants
to organize and attack countries that had given Israel “means
of survival.” The tape also urged holy warriors to fight
Israelis and Americans before they entered Egypt.
U.S. to
NBC: ‘Al-Qaida farm team’ may have role
U.S. officials also
speculated that the blasts had some link to al-Qaida.

Senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News that they
had no independent information on who may have carried out the
attacks, but one noted that the militant Islamic organization
Hamas, the leading violent group in Israel and the occupied
territories, had never carried out multiple near-simultaneous
attacks, nor had it ever carried out attacks outside Israel.

“This sounds like an al-Qaida farm team,” the official
said on condition of anonymity.
Israeli media said that
the Hilton hotel was ablaze and that 10 floors had collapsed.
Israeli rescue teams rushed over the border to the scene.

The blast could be heard loudly a mile from the hotel,
said Selma Abu el-Dahab, who works at another Taba hotel. She
said a worker from her hotel returned from the Hilton and told
of the explosion before collapsing.

Terrorism warning
On Sept. 9, the Israeli
government urged citizens not to visit Egypt, citing a
“concrete” terrorist threat to tourists. The warning, which
was issued by the counterterrorism center in the prime
minister’s office, identified the Sinai Peninsula as the
potential target.
Taba, the main crossing between Israel
and Egypt, is the gateway for thousands of Israelis who travel
to the hotels and resorts on the Red Sea. Thursday was the
last day of the weeklong Jewish festival of Sukkot, when
thousands of Israelis go on vacation in the Sinai.

Hundreds of Israelis have been killed in suicide bombings
during four years of conflict with the Palestinians. Egyptian
resorts had remained popular with Israelis despite popular
animosity in Egypt to Israel.
NBC’s Charlene Gubash in
Cairo, Robert Windrem in New York and Tamara Kupperman in
Washington, The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to

parziale: Tre esplosioni hanno colpito le popolari stazioni
turistiche giovedì notte nella penisola egiziana del Sinai.

La maggioranza delle vittime erano israeliani in vacanza
nella regione per la festa della Simchat Torah alla fine della
festività israeliana del Sukkot. Ufficiali israeliani
antiterrorismo hanno chiesto a tutti gli israeliani di
lasciare immediatamente il Sinai, ha riportato la radio
militare, e il ministro degli esteri ha detto che Israele
avrebbe aiutato l’evaquazione di circa 15.000 israeliani che
se ne vogliono andare.

(L’entità dei danni
dell’esplosione) La prima e la più grave esplosione ha avuto
luogo all’hotel Hilton nella stazione turistica egiziana di
Taba, a pochi metri dalla frontiera israeliana, verso le 10
p.m. [orario statunitense] (le 3 p.m. ora egiziana).

“L’intera facciata dell’hotel è collassata. Ci sono
dozzine di persone sul pavimento, molto sangue. [La
situazione] è davvero tesa,” Yigal Vakni, una cameriera, ha
dichiarato alla radio dell’esercito [nell’articolo non si
specifica se a quella dell’esercito egiziano o a quella
dell’esercito israeliano.] “Sono fuori dall’hotel. Tutto
l’hotel sta bruciando, e non hanno nulla con cui uscire”.

(…) Ufficiali israeliani ed egiziani dicono che
l’esplosione è stata causata da un’autobomba, e la televisione
egiziana ha ha dichiarato che la polizia ha effettuato alcuni
arresti iniziali di sospetti. Non sono disponibili ulteriori
Verso mezzanotte, due esplosioni più piccole
hanno colpito l’area di Ras al Shitan, un campeggio vicini
alla città di Nuweiba al sud di Taba, ha dichiarato una
cameriera. Amsalem Sarrag, i cui zio e cugini possiedono
campeggi a Ras al Shitan, ha detto all’Associated Press che
entrambi gli hanno riferito che automobili israeliane sono
esplose fuori dai campeggi. Le due esplosioni sono avvenute a
cinque secondi di distanza, ha detto.


ça va sans dire, chi è che comincia il balletto delle
rivendicazioni? L’amico al-Zawahri ed un gruppo sconosciuto
con un nome da film di James Bond]

Ufficiali della
sicurezza egiziana inizialmente hanno scartato la possibilità
del terrorismo, dicendo che l’esplosione avrebbe avuto luogo
tra le bombole di gas nella cucina dell’hotel, ma hanno
abbandonato la teoria poche ore dopo. Un ufficiale di
sicurezza egiziano più tardi ha detto alla NBC News che
l’esplosione a Taba era causata da una auotbomba.

L’agenzia di notizie France Presse ha riportato che un
gruppo sconosciuto che si nomina Jamaa Al-Islamiya Al-Alamiya,
o Gruppo Islamista Mondiale [?], ha telefonato al suo ufficio
a Gerusalemme per rivendicare la reponsabilità dell’esplosione
“per vendetta per i martiri palestinesi e arabi morti in
Palestina ed Iraq”.
Non ci sono state altre rivendicazioni
da altri gruppi simili.
Ma articoli su siti web islamici,
usati spesso da gruppi militanti legati o ispirati ad al-Qaeda
stavano elogiando le esplosioni e collegandole ad un recente
video attribuito all’egiziano numero due di al-Qaeda, Ayman
Il nastro, che è stato mostrato da Al-Jazeera
il 1 ottobre, chiamava i militanti a organizzarsi e attaccare
i paesi che danno ad Israele “mezzi di sopravvivenza”. Il
video spingeva anche i guerriglieri santi [sic!] a combattere
israeliani ed americani prima che potessero entrare in Egitto.

Gli ufficiali statunitensi sospettano che le esplosioni
abbiano collegamenti con al-Qaeda.
Alcuni ufficiali
anziani statunitensi hanno dichiarato alla NBC News che non
avevano informazioni indipendenti su chi avesse potuto aver
eseguito gli attacchi
, ma uno ha notato che l’associazione
militante islamica Hamas, il principale gruppo violento in
Israele e nei Territori Occupati, non ha mai eseguito attacchi
multipli e quasi simultanei, e neppure li ha eseguiti fuori da
Israele.[il corsivo è mio]
“Sembra un attacco della squadra
di al-Qaeda” ha detto un ufficiale che ha richiesto
l’anonimato [perché questa precauzione? Una mezza idea
[Più sotto c’è una notizia correlata,
ne traduco solo le prime righe]
Il 9 settembre il governo
israeliano ha avvisato i cittadini israeliani a non visitare
l’Egitto, citando una “concreta” minaccia terroristica contro
i turisti. L’avvertimento, che è stato lanciato dal centro
“controterroristico” [sic] nell’ufficio del primo ministro
[israeliano o egiziano?], identificava la penisola del Sinai
come il potenziale obiettivo.”

Re: Le stragi agli hotel egiziani

di Iela il 08 October 2004
E intanto inizia la disinformazione: stasera, al TG5, davano notizia del fatto che l’attentato all’Hilton fosse avvenuto con un camion, guidato da un tizio che vi si sarebbe schiantato


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