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25-year-old woman develops gruesome skin disease after Moderna booster
A cura di Pandroid
Il 28 Febbraio 2022

TOMS RIVER, NEW JERSEY — We’ve covered several terrifying post-injection skin diseases on this blog.

Ms. Jane Stroud is the Nigerian-British woman who introduced us to a post-AstraZeneca skin disease called bullous pemphigoid. Saudi researchers published a case study in August chronicling a woman who developed a post-Pfizer skin disease called toxic epidermal necrolysis. Several victims on this blog have developed post-injection Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. But the Sarah Beuckmann case was by far the most frightening. Now the instant story introduces us to yet another post-injection skin disorder that may be the most spine-chilling of them all.

Ms. Kristen Della Bella is a young woman with a career, love and business opportunities. She is a patient care technician (PCT) at Hackensack Meridian Health. It is the largest healthcare provider in New Jersey. Ms. Della Bella is also affiliated with RWJBarnabas Health, which has joint ventures and partnerships with Hackensack Meridian. She is in nursing school as well, set to graduate in 2023.

Ms. Della Bella is in love. She and her fiancé, a Toms River cop, have been together for six years. They are getting married on May 26, 2023, around the same time Ms. Della Bella graduates from nursing school.

She’s also a Zoomer and loves Instagram. She posts many glamour-type photos and often receives collaboration offers from various fashion companies and girlie ventures, if you will.

But Ms. Della Bella wasn’t always confident enough to do those things. Last summer she described how she didn’t “[feel] comfortable in her own skin” until 2021.

The 25-year-old was well on her way to an American dream-type life. And then Moderna struck.

Ms. Della Bella received her first Moderna mRNA injection on January 13, 2021. She was one of the first in line due to her profession. Ms. Della Bella encouraged others to follow her lead.

It’s unclear when she received the second shot. But she did in fact receive it as a condition of employment. Like many others, she had no apparent, immediate adverse effects from the injections. Hackensack Meridian already mandated that all workers be fully-vaccinated by November 15. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy issued a draconian executive order last month, requiring all eligible healthcare workers to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA booster shots by February 28.

Ms. Della Bella received the Moderna booster sometime in the second week of February, according to her Facebook and Instagram timelines. She, like million of others, faced a jab or job deadline. Ms. Della Bella apparently first revealed something was wrong on Valentine’s Day. But she deleted that post. A February 17 Facebook post, prefaced with “not anti vax by any means,” talks about her post-booster nightmare.

She developed hives and “uncontrollable itching” on her arms and head on February 13. The next day, the hives spread further and became more painful, prompting her to go to the emergency room. Doctors told her it was “something she ate.” Then she had the mea culpa of a lifetime.

“I found a Facebook group for those going through the same thing from the Moderna booster and there isn’t a doubt in my mind that this is a reaction from the shot. I’m in awful pain, I’m itchy, and I’m embarrassed to go out because I look like a monster.”

Doctors prescribed steroids and Benadryl. Ms. Della Bella shared another update on February 19 via Instagram. She said doctors finally admitted that her condition was caused by the Moderna booster. They diagnosed her with erythema multiforme; and said it’s the worst reaction they’ve ever seen.

Ms. Della Bella conceded that it will take weeks and perhaps months to heal. Despite being supportive of mRNA injections in the beginning, she’s now warning others about the dangers.

“Please please please do your research before putting anything into your body. I didn’t have a choice unfortunately due to my field of work & school… But I wish that they took adverse effects into consideration before mandating things because this is miserable.”

Last Wednesday, she posted an update in Instagram “reminiscing on the times I didn’t look like a warthog.

We’ll update the story in due course.

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